#05 - Relational or Logical Operators

Relational or Logical Operators:

the relational operators available in python are as follows:
  1. >   - greater than
  2. <   - lesser than
  3. >=  - greater than equal to
  4. <=  - less than equal to 
  5. ==  -  equal to 
  6. !=  - not equal to 
So the result of an relation operation is a boolean value (that is , either True or False)
NOTE: >= and <= should not be writtern as => or =< as these are invalid operators. And double equal to (==) is different from single equal to (=). '=' is an assignment operator where as '==' is a relational operator

  1. 4 > 5            - False
  2. 5 < 100          - True
  3. 10 == 11         - False
  4. 5 == 5           - True
  5. 10 != 11         - True
  6. 5 != 5           - False
  7. 'name' == 'Name' - False
  8. 'A' != 'a'       - True
So these are the basic relational operators avilable in python and it is mainly used in conditional statements (if-elif-else) looping statements (for , while loops), etc.