#03 - Arithmetic Operations

We can do arithmetic operation as we do in mathametics, so the available operations are as follows:

  1. + - addition
  2. - - subraction
  3. * - multiplication
  4. / - division
  5. % - modulus
  6. // - integer division
  7. ** - exponent


As you know addidtion is use to add to are more numbers

Example :
3+4 = 7
a = 5 , b = 6 then a+b gives 11


As you know subtraction is use to subract two are more numbers

Example :
3-4 = -1
a = 5, b = 6 then a-b gives -1


As you know multiplication is use to multiplay two are more numbers

Example :
3*4 = 12
a = 5 ,b = 6 then a*b = 30


As you know division is used to divide two numbers

Example :
12/4 = 3
a = 10, b = 100 then b/a = 10


Here comes the programming part , the modulus operator is used to get the remainder when a number is divided by another number

if 5 is divided by 2 we get the remainder a 1

5/2 = 2*2 + 1 : the number after the + is known as remainder and the % operator is used to get this number

Example :
11 % 10 = 1
55 % 11 = 0
10 % 5 = 0


The integer division is used to get the integer term of the quotient when a number is divided by other number.
when 5/2 we get the result as 2.5 , but if we use 5//2 we get the result as 2 , the decimal term is omitted. This is known as interger division

Example :
45 // 7 = 6
77 // 10 = 7

NOTE : the result is not rounded off , if 77/10 = 7.7 then 77//10 gives 7 as the decimal point is omitted


The find a to the power b we can use ** as a**b we gives the result as 'a to the power b'

Example :
2**3 = 8
4**2 = 16
8**2 = 64